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About Me.

Andrew Ürge


Born in Hungary in 1943 emigrated to Australia 1957 


His talent for Art was evident as a young student. He impressed the critics in school and, community level, won many prizes.


Studied Art --- at East Sydney Technical College.

Stott Correspondent College


He begin painting as a traditional painter in oils and water-colour and in recent times, explored new styles and methods in painting such as contemporary and abstract.  These methods allowed him to experiment new ways of using the paint and, and learning the magic of what painting is all about.   Such is the theory that what the artist puts on the canvas is not determined by the hand and the brush alone, but the mixing of paint on the canvas - thus the paint works for you, and that's brings the final result.


INSPIRATION:      Tom Roberts    -    Lloyd Rees.



1987  Lane Cove Art Prize -  Commended Prize  Judged by the late Lloyd Rees.

2015  Finalist  -  Hunters Hill Art Prize

2015  Finalist  -  Waverly Art Prize



'Together'  Exhibition,  Studio W,  Woolloomooloo  2005

'Together Again  Exhibition   Studio W  Woolloomooloo  2008

Blue Autumn  Exhibition,   Studio  W,   Woolloomooloo   2013

Universal Aspects  Exhibition  -  Gallery  Lane Cove  2017

My Contact Details are:

Phone:     0418604776    

Email:      /






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